
USN: 1ds22cg060

4th place

2400 points



Challenge Category Value Time
Think But Not To Overthink!!!! Blitz! 150
Binary Bait Blitz! 150
Invisible Alien Blitz! 150
Cipher Capture Blitz! 150
Grandpa’s Last Words Blitz! 150
Step by Step Blitz! 150
WHO AM I?? Blitz! 150
16 4 8 Blitz! 150
BlueHat Watchdog OSINT 200
Bit Nibble Byte Reverse Engineering 200
Hide Hide Hide Web Exploitation 200
Traffic Woes Forensics 200
Karaptor blitz_taskmaster Special :) 150
Hexorcism Reverse Engineering 100
Echoes of the Past Miscellaneous 100
Blitz_Test Testing 50